
This Eclipse plugin allows to open a shell window or file manager from the popup menu in the navigation tree or editor view. Additionally it is possible to run selected file in the shell, copy file or directory path or run user defined external tools. Key shortcuts and multiple selections are also supported!

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This Eclipse plugin allows to open a shell window or file manager from the popup menu in the navigation tree or editor view. Additionally it is possible to run selected file in the shell, copy file or directory path or run user defined external tools. Key shortcuts and multiple selections are also supported!


Eclipse Markeplace: https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/easyshell

Drag to your running Eclipse* workspace. *Requires Eclipse Marketplace Client


Use update site: https://anb0s.github.io/EasyShell


Download EasyShell from GitHub OR Download EasyShell from SourceForge Download EasyShell

extract it to “eclipse\dropin” folder and restart.


The plugin is platform independent in principal. It just launches a (configurable) system command to open the shell, file explorer or other user defined command. It also copies path etc. to clipboard. Just open context menu for an Eclipse editor or selected resource in some view:

context_menu_windows context_menu_Linux


ATTENTION For EasyShell v2.2 and newer all shortcuts are starting with Alt + E and after releasing one of the letters A, E, C, D, X, O, R, U must be used:


Alt + E, A: Main popup menu shows all commands and multiple commands can be selected (EasyShell v2.1 and older: Alt + E)

multi_selection_dialog_windows multi_selection_dialog_linux

Alt + E, E: Main popup menu shows all commands and one commands can be directly selected (EasyShell v2.1 and older: Alt + Shift + E)


Shortcuts that executes the command directly if only one defined or opens a popup menu like Alt + E, E reduced for category:

Alt + E, O: Open - open or show in shell


Alt + E, R: Run - execute in shell

Alt + E, X: Explore - open and select in file browser

Alt + E, C: Clipboard - copy to clipboard

Special and not available if no user defined categories are available:

Alt + E, U: User - user defined category

Special and not available for all OS:

Alt + E, D: Default - open with default application

Supported OS and commands:

The following platform, shell combinations and tools are supported as selections available in the preferences page. The user can define own commands and menues or just adapt the predefined ones!




All OS

If path to your tool is not added to PATH variable, please add it or adapt the command in EasyShell!







But you can configure any shell or command you like as long as you can figure out how to run a command to open the shell with given parameters or execute the tool you want.



The following substitution variables are available for building the command:

The following substitution variables are available for building the menu name:

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